July 28, 2023

Two Full Moons Light the Way for August

Stargazers will be treated to two full moons in the month of August, the first of which will appear on Tuesday, 1 August, and is known as the “Sturgeon Moon”.

The phase of the moon is believed to have gained its name from the Native American people, who are able to catch an abundance of sturgeon fish from the Great Lakes of the United States of America around this time of year.

Other cultures have labelled it as the “Grain Moon”, “Corn Moon,” “Lynx Moon” or “Lightning Moon”, depending on where they were in the world at the time of its occurrence.

The second full moon – which will occur on 30 August – will be known as a “Blue Moon”, as it’s rare for a full moon to appear twice in the same month.

Both moons are expected to be easily visible to the human eye once they have risen, as they have been loosely labelled as “supermoons” for their close orbit to the Earth.

If you’re looking for a particularly good show, experts have encouraged any potential stargazers to head somewhere with minimal background city lights so as to get the best possible view.

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